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Royal Park®

A 21st century model of Waldorf education

Interviewing Veronica Blix Myrsell, principal at Hagaskolan and Andrew Sebzda, Waldorf educator, teacher and leading educator at Hagaskolan. Nestled in natural elements, surrounded by woods and close to the water, the geography of Hagaskolan nourishes the environmental interests at the heart of Waldorf principles. Waldorf is founded in a holistic model centered on humanities, natural … Continued

Butterflies and Sharks in Haga Park

Founded as a “Wintergarden” in 1786, the Butterfly House Haga Ocean is now mainly an indoor rainforest exhibit with South American fish and butterflies, host to approximately 350,000 visitors per year. One late Summer morning, I set off from the lobby of Radisson Blu Royal Park on a brief trek through the woods to visit … Continued
Tim Barbour.

Octoberfest – the festive heart of autumn at Royal Park Stockholm

Everything we organise at Royal Park is unique and this is just the beginning. When you work with an entrepreneur like Ulrich, the world is your oyster. This is the only 100% Plant Based Octoberfest in Scandinavia and we will show that meat will not be missed! There certainly won’t be anywhere else in this … Continued